Brooke Kilgore – Vice President & Co-Founder

I am a 24-year-old special education teacher at Overlea High School, a Towson University Alumna, and a Hereford High School graduate. During my college experience I witnessed many people living on the streets and decided to do something about it. In 2016, I began collecting donations of warm clothes and toiletries from my home town of Hereford and assembled them into little kits to be handed out. Thus, Bulls Bringing Blessings was formed. Over the past few years collection boxes were made and placed around the community to provide a place for people to leave their donations for our mission. We organized “Build a Bag” days where members of the community could come help assemble the bags and we had huge success rates. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit we were nervous about organizing gatherings or collecting donations so we held off on our projects for a few months. One day, I was doing some shopping in the Cockeysville area and noticed a man asking for donations who I had helped a few times over the past few years. I felt this overpowering urge to stop and help him. I was on my way to Chick-fil-a to grab some lunch when I yelled out the window “Sandwich or nuggets?” This man, Matthew, ended up becoming a new member of our family. We spent the next few months working closely with him to find housing, a job, and a support team to help get him back on his feet. We are proud to say that Matthew has been reunited with his family, gotten clean, and has begun a new chapter of his life. In his dad’s words, we saved his life. This lead my father/partner-in-crime and I to turn our small organization into a non-profit dedicated to helping any and everyone we can. And Renovare Mission, Inc. was created.